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Wykonujemy banery internetowe HTML5 / gif, animacje na strony www, spoty i prezentacje reklamowe do internetu.
Kontakt: tel.: 00 48 58 765 00 00, mail:
We deal with internet advertising designs. We make internet banners, adwords ads, advertising animations. Nowadays, online advertising plays an important role. Banner advertising on the internet reaches a large number of customers for a small price.
We create web projects.
We make websites, web banners flash / html5 / GIF, animations for websites, spots and advertising presentations.
Contact: mail:
"Internet advertising"
Nowadays, the value of the Internet is appreciated in the context of advertising your company, brand or specific products and services that we sell in our offer. Therefore, today's online media are already used to create advertising campaigns to a similar extent as in the case of print media, radio and television. Today, it is an equally important development point for any company that wants to count on the market. Internet advertising is a very wide range of activities. It consists of various advertising campaigns, whose main task is to increase the recognition of our brand, building correct customer relationships, and what is the most important for us to increase the sales of our products. Online advertising is a lot of activities that should be properly coordinated. Therefore, we should not undertake such tasks alone, and entrust them only to excellent specialists in this industry, who know well not only the specifics of our industry, but above all know how to promote us, so that we would have the power of penetration on the Internet.
e-mail: | tel.: +48 609 503 896
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